Sunniva Campus

Our Facility

State of the art, purpose-built glasshouse facility in Cathedral City, California

  • Overview

    Premium AAA Cannabis For The Recreational Market

    The Cat City Cannabis Campus was planned in two phases and has been designed to comply with cGMP* standards.

    Phase One includes 247,000 sqft of glasshouse with 78,000 sqft of header house and breezeway for a total of 325,000 sqft. The glasshouse facility is expected to produce 50,000 kg per year of dry cannabis at capacity, with an additional 10,000 kg per year of associated trim.

    Phase Two will increase the glasshouse by 164,000 sqft and increase production by approximately 22,500 kg per year of dry cannabis and approximately 5,000 kg per year of associated trim.

    *cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practice) regulations assure the identity, strength, quality, and purity of therapeutic products.

  • Design

    The Cat City Cannabis Campus

    Designed to deploy custom automated assembly line cultivation processes at scale. Our glasshouse facilities utilize advanced technologies to dramatically reduce labor costs, in an industry where labor typically accounts for over 50% of total production expense.

    By harnessing the power of California’s naturally abundant sun, we reduce energy consumption, while utilizing dynamic and adaptive microclimatic controls to ensure precise cultivation conditions. This maximizes vigorous photosynthesis, growth, and resin production, while minimizing fungal and pest infections which commonly plague indoor cultivation.

    Our techniques produce unrivaled AAA quality, clean-testing medical botanicals, as a result of:

    • Full-spectrum & HPS light
    • Generous airflow & oxygenation
    • Optimal temperature & humidity with energy saving chiller systems
    • Precise automated nutrient delivery

  • Sustainability

    Growing For The Good Of The Community

    The cannabis industry has contributed to the personal health and well-being of its patients, but the fact remains that cultivation typically leaves a large carbon footprint. According to a 2011 study, traditional indoor cannabis production (versus our purpose-built glasshouse cultivation) accounts for 1% of the United States’ total electricity consumption. That’s the equivalent of powering 2 million U.S. homes per year. With oncoming rapid growth and global expansion, it’s important that the cannabis industry improves its impact on the environment. Cat City Cannabis is here to pave the way.

    Nature’s Secret Ingredient

    Our team of horticulturists, scientists, and engineers have helped set best practices for the industry and improve upon them whenever possible. One such best practice is the belief that sun-grown, solar-powered cultivation is the most sustainable way to grow.

    Cat City Cannabis’s modern, cGMP-compliant glasshouses are more energy efficient and produce less waste than traditional indoor cultivation. They will also produce superior plants. Research has shown that when plants are exposed to full-spectrum sunlight, cannabinoid production increases and terpene profiles are improved. This results in more complex and flavorful flower. Furthermore, new data suggests that, contrary to popular belief, sun-grown cannabis produces higher amounts of THC, along with other beneficial cannabinoids.

    In addition to the improvement in product quality, our improvement in energy consumption is equally impressive. An equivalent traditional indoor grow operation would require an array of 7,000 1kW lightbulbs. This would not only drain the energy grid, but also harm the environment — indoor grow lightbulbs can contain up to 30 mg of toxic mercury.

    Never A Drop Wasted

    Our advanced ultra-efficient hydroponic grow system uses a recycled water system to conserve as much water as possible. The system not only maximizes plant yield, but also provides thorough root aeration and precise nutrient delivery to our plants. Unlike traditional drain-to-waste systems, which rely on huge quantities of water and waste precious fertilizer, our recirculating hydroponic setup will conserve millions of gallons of water a year, and require 15% less fertilizer. Our recirculating system also prevents nitrogen-laden pollutants from making their way down the drain.

    Proper disposal of hydroponic waste water is critically important, because improper disposal can over-nourish water bodies and introduce toxic pollutants that are damaging to aquatic life. So, we devised our own solution: a neighborhood dog park. It will be built alongside our property, allowing our neighbors and their pets to enjoy a lush lawn that is fed by our repurposed hydroponic waste water. This park will provide a public green space for the local community to gather and enjoy the outdoors, while utilizing nature to phytoremediate the nutrient-rich water before it finds its way back to natural water bodies.

    Keeping It Clean

    We want what’s best for consumers, and this means our products must be as pure and clean as our growing practices are for the environment. Our Integrated Pest Management System is expected to ensure that every plant grown is certified clean and free of all contaminants and pesticides. As a result of our precisely controlled environment, we are able to create an ideal micro-ecosystem to protect crops from attacks by harmful pests and diseases — and introduce beneficial organisms to counterbalance these problems, without the need for harmful pesticides.

    Our plats are contained on automated mobile benches in order to maximize quality yields by minimizing plant-human contact, and consequently the risk of spreading pathogens. Mold and mildew are controlled by the daily sterilization of production areas, while the sanitization of growing bays are completed between every harvest, aided by our specially designed stone floors. The end result is pharmaceutical-grade, cGMP-quality medicinal products, backed by independent lab tests to ensure purity, potency, and safety.